Ever since I started my webstore Fine Wine Glasses And More, I have been wanting to do a taste test with different wine glasses. And I have heard about how much the glass can enhance a wine. Finally last night we had a chance to do this. Using our favorite Cupcake Red Velvet, we were testing some new Cachet Tulip 19 oz glasses (You can see the glasses by using this link http://www.finewineglassesandmore.com/catalog/item/8603146/9493913.htm) And comparing with a smaller thicker glass, probably around 6-8 oz and not very wide.

All four of us did the test, and I absolutely could not belive it. What a difference…. if I didn’t know it was the same wine in both glasses, I would have thought someone was trying to trick me. The Cachet Tulip glass made the wine much rounder and smoother tasting. Awesome!

These glasses are also very elegant looking, with the long stem and thin glass. You can check out these glasses, and many more at www.finewineglassesandmore.com

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After this eye opening experience, I will definitely be doing more testing. Would be fun to see how a glass would affect a Cabernet or a Pinot. I know that they suggest a wider glass for Pinot Noir and Bordeaux. So stay tuned for more fun tastings. Cheers!

Sounds like a strange combination, but it was quite fun. Didn’t get the amount of people that we were hoping for, and you kind of need more than 3 people to do a wine tasting, specially if you like to finish the bottle that you opened. Turned out to be too many events going on this weekend, and we are all preparing for Sandy to get here also.

I have never carved a pumpkin before, and I had fun. Kind of proud of my pumpkins. And check it out, didn’t we do a good job?

We were only able to taste two wines today. I hate the thought of leaving more open bottles for them to just go bad. So we’ll try to get a bigger crowd next time.

Our first wine was a 2010 Cupcake Cabernet Sauvignon. We all really liked this one. A very smooth wine were you could taste the cherries right away, and when paired with the cheese, the taste of coco came out.

The other wine was a 2011 Alice White Chardonnay. Also very good, light and crisp, and you could taste apples.


Now I’m going to finish the leftover wine while I wait for Hurricane Sandy to get here. I’m ready, got my supplies, horses are safe and comfy, and I got lots of wine. So, bring it on Sandy!
